Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Methods in the Media Industry Essay

There’s a whole variety of reasons why research is undertaken in the media industry and there’s also a number of different ways to carry out research to acquire the different forms of information required. This report will be discussing the following in detail audience research, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, primary research and secondary research lastly consumer awareness Why we research in the media industry? As I said before research is undertaken for a variety of reasons. It might be so the director knows what they possibility may need to adjust in their production based on what it’s about, and this is known as content analysis where the producer and the director will research the subject matter to gather information to include into the final production. In addition research might also be undertaken be aware of legal restrictions for instance copyright infringement simply when you want to use the same ideas or the same content you will require written consent from the person who originally invented or owns the idea, in most cases copyright infringement doesn’t protect the underlying ideas, it also doesn’t protect facts. For instance, copyright doesn’t stop or limit you from expressing in your own words thoughts and facts that originate in any sources you read or view however you must give appropriate credit to the sources in which they originated from. For instance, there have been several, Alien based films, however only one E.T. Audience research Media products all have a target audience which could be defined by several factors, including age, gender as well as demographics. Whether it’s a chat show, daily newspaper, film or any other media form, each has a clear target audience. You must beware that audiences are not the same besides the audience research tells the producer what most applies to the audience how they can take advantage of what applies to the audience. They may watch previously released films/programmes and find out if they were successful at appealing to that audience. On the other hand they can observe a group viewing of a series premiere to see the group’s reaction and see if they’ve met their expectations and getting a calculation from the observation to see if they need to make some alterations to the production. Additionally Producers may also use BARB to find out further details about their selected audience what exactly is appealing to them after that discus features that will be in the production. Qualitative research methods Qualitative methods are better for finding more descriptive data and opinions because you interact with the research which lets you to explain any misunderstood questions and to go into further detail meaning you get a more factual answer. Methods that are categories under qualitative research range from case studies, interviews, diary analysis and focus groups. For instance the producers of a film will pick out a group which has the profile of their target audience, and will show them the film. This can be done both pre and post release if the film is not performing as well as predicted. The producer could then use the focus group’s response to alter or completely rethink, or even go ahead and take nothing on board and confirm the look and content of the film. Quantitative research methods Quantitative research mainly is numerical data. It could be used by producers of a film or by the company which is marketing it. UK based TV company’s use the( Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) BARB for short to analyse viewing ratings, plus radio station use ( Radio Joint Audience Research Limited) short for RAJAR will view the listening numbers. Qualitative and quantitative methods are constantly used together in order to research the habits and preference of the target audience. In order to identify the profile of the audience, producers may look at current demographic models has on age or gender, or they may try to create a new audience for their film. Creating a new audience is much harder to accomplish additionally a producer may have to come up with a film which is appealing to those that feel there’s a gap in the industry, or gather a group of individuals together who all desire a possible reinvasion in the market. Finally when a target audience has been recognized, the film producer will then target the audience by using a series of carefully organised ad campaigns. The films could be promoted in newspapers that the target audience reads, also online sites which are frequently visited by the target audience, or show an ad when you’re guaranteed the most viewers such as champion’s league games or X factor episodes. Primary research methods Primary research is any research that’s done by an individual first hand. There’s a wide range of techniques for primary research from focus groups, interviews, observations and questionnaires, all come under as primary since questions are being asked directly this is research that is done first hand. Primary research is more suitable for finding out detailed information since you wouldn’t have to rely on anyone else’s results to be correct since the individual would have gathered the necessary information themselves so they know everything was done exactly how they wanted so the information is reliable. Primary research can come in the categories of both qualitative and quantitative research since there’s a variety of ways to conduct this research. Detailed look at a few the primary research techniques Questionnaires are regularly used by researchers when they need to gather essential information from a number of people targeting certain groups by age, ethnicity, and gender even social class. There practically surveys that can be sent on the internet in the post or hand out person to person. It’s easy to analyse questionnaires since its just basically gathering numbers, in addition it’s a much cheaper but sometimes a more time consuming process to gather information. Then again on the down side questionnaires aren’t able to get hold of, detailed information since they typically have closed questions yes or no type or the listed options provided in questionnaire. Another potential problem with questionnaire is that the individual taking part in the questionnaire may get the wrong end of the stick about a particular question or just not understand completely. For that reason the individual organising the questionnaire may possibly not get the right results from the questionnaire. Possible way to evade this you could do a pilot study to examine the questionnaire and make any necessary alterations after. Interview: interviews can be divided into three areas structured, semi structured, unstructured interviews. Structured: Structured interviews stick to a specific guideline with set questions sticking to the ones written. Semi structured: Semi structured interviews have some questions however questions can be added on the spot to go into more detail with the questions. Unstructured: lastly unstructured interviews have no questions set. The interviewer will bring up a topic with some questions in their head, similar to a casual conversation than anything. Interviews are mainly qualitative forms of research this method of research can very fruitful to the researcher since you are capable of going into more detail and thus gather further information for your research. On the other hand, the questions asked in an interview may be bias if the interviewer has their personal biased viewpoint placing their opinion in the questions. This may be done by the interviewer if they ask leading questions for instance. Tell us the reason why you like this film, instead of do you like the film. Secondary research methods Secondary research is gathered information that was done by someone else and made accessible to the public. For instance through archives, the internet, and other media outlets such as the news all of these come under secondary data since the information that you receive from these sources is information that the individual never gathered themselves. Potentially secondary research maybe unreliable option of researching since the individual can’t be sure that everything written is accurate since they never carried out the research themselves and they can’t test it and get the same results. On the plus side secondary research is significantly cheaper and faster process to use since the information has been completed for you already by someone else. Detailed look at a few the secondary research techniques The most common practice of secondary research done nowhere days is on the internet to think not too long ago we spent while copy the information on a copy machine. With the vast amount of online resources, traditional means of research done by books seem out dated. It’s now common for a student to complete an essay without opening a single book. However there are always pros and cons with any new technology. Some people like to say there’s a skill involved in finding a book in the library and searching. An Individual can ignore the entire topic that was read thoroughly for pertinent information. This may lead to more people getting the wrong end of the stick and not understanding the subject matter. But it’s a free vast amount of information; free for use for anybody much easier and less process, as well as getting qualitative information and opinions including polls, surveys, are simpler with the internet, assuming you’re aware of where you’re getting your information from. That could lead to a con since it’s not wise to use information from an unaccredited source, not from opinion based sites a lot of these sites around that look creditable but are far from it Consumer awareness Consumer awareness is the understanding that a consumer is knows his or her legal rights and duties. It’s essential for a consumer to stick to these rights. It’s implemented for the protection of the consumer, so the consumer is not exploited. But the producers may look into consumer awareness to discover if their ad campaign successful or if it’s unsuccessful. NRS The National Readership Survey NRS for short is provides the most dependable and respected audience research in operation for the advertising sector in the UK. The NRS reports on over 250 of the UK’s mainstream newspapers and magazines, you get a sense of the size and nature of the audiences they attract. In this always evolving digital age the NRS still create partnerships with the leading digital data sources providing a clearer vision of the combined total audience future. This is a great source for gathering information since data posted on this site are available without subscription. Already prepared for producers and so on only thing to do now is compare. Company Structure NRS Ltd is regulated and for the most part funded by three shareholders (IPA) The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (NPA) The Newspaper Publishers Association (PPA) The Periodical Publishers Association Why are the surveys so important? The way surveys are carried out affects the estimations it produces. Particularly for media measurement surveys NRS randomly selects individual aged 15+ in the UK. Only the chosen individuals may be interviewed to ensure that the surveys are clear and representative. The demographic characteristics won’t have the same reading habits according to their lifestyle and availability. It’s better for NRS to use random testing to reduce the favouritism towards people who are available for interview than others. The Interviews Structure A nonstop survey, all 12 months of the year, 7 days a week Total number: around 36,000 interviews a year with adults aged 15+ per year A random sample: interviews only conducted at randomly selected addresses with randomly selected individuals The average time for an hour takes half an hour

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Andragogy and Transformative Learning Essay

The realization that adults learn differently from children led educators and scholars to the difficult task of defining the distinct manner by which adults learn. This was necessary in order to establish adult education as a separate field requiring non-traditional strategies in terms of teaching-learning style and instruction, but needed the same attention and effort as early education. Although the field of adult education has since branched out into numerous categories involving both formal and informal educational settings, the concept of adult learning continues to evolve as a result of the increased interest and numerous contributions to the field by educators and scholars alike. Indeed, adult education professionals have had to define the unique characteristics of adult learning vis-a-vis dominant learning frameworks focused on the teaching and learning of children. For instance, Malcolm Knowles used the term â€Å"andragogy† in an effort to differentiate adult learning from â€Å"pedagogical† or child learning approaches (Atherton, 2005). According to Knowles, there are five key differences between andragogical and pedagogical approaches to the teaching-learning process. These differences emanate mainly from the perceived differences between the characteristics of the adult as a learner compared to the child learner. In contrast to pedagogical approaches to teaching-learning which view the learner as highly dependent upon the teacher/instructor’s guidance and experience, andragogical approaches focus on the learner’s ability for self-direction and capacity for drawing knowledge from experiences (Yale University Library, 2005). Another important source of distinction between pedagogical and andragogical approaches is that the former focuses on the role external sources of motivation in the achievement of positive learning outcomes while the latter emphasizes the importance of motivation for learning that is intrinsic in the individual adult as a learner (ibid). Hence, andragogical approaches assume that adults can take responsibility for the direction and outcomes of their learning, a task that has been traditionally assigned to the teacher or the instructor by most pedagogical approaches in education. Aside from Knowles’ notion of andragogy, another influential theory in the conceptualization and benchmarking of adult education outcomes is Mezirow’s concept of Transformative Learning, which posits that adult learning involves perspective transformation or the process by which adults â€Å"become more adaptive and able to profit from experience† as a result of the expansion of the frames they use for interpreting and understanding the meaning and construction of their experiences (Parkes, 2001, p. 82). Unsurprisingly, the results of Maher’s (2002, p. 11) study on the first three generations of adult educators reveal that adult educators considered both Knowles and Mezirow among the leading theorists of adult learning. The same study is made interesting by the fact that it reflects how the perceptions and philosophies of adult educators themselves are shaped by the impact of their experiences and how they construe and fit the meaning of these experiences into their lives as educators. As Maher (2002, p. 12) notes, the responses of the adult educators she surveyed â€Å"represents a living example of how adult development occurs as a result of ‘a mixture of everything that happens to us’† which parallels both Knowles and Mezirow’s contention that adult learning is generally driven by the need by adults to continually frame and re-frame their existence through making sense of their experiences. Consequently, one of the differences that can be expected from adult educators or professionals who are more often involved in adult education in terms of the instruction approach is their more facilitative style of teaching. This stems from the adult educators’ perception that their students are in possession of knowledge and experiences that are relevant to the learning process as suggested by both Knowles and Mezirow, and that adult learners often want more control over their learning experiences and outcomes (Timarong, Temaungil & Sukrad, n. d. ). Another difference between adult educators and child educators is that the former often expects learners to assume responsibility and direct their own learning. This behavior is influenced by the notion that adult learners are often often conscious of their own learning needs. Likewise, adult educators often have a more informal relationship with their student, which is influenced by their view of the student as an individual as opposed to the more formal and rigid structure in early mentoring (Landsberger, 1996). However, this does not mean that adult educators have lower expectations in terms of learning outcomes. On the contrary, adult educators place more responsibility on their students since adult learners are treated as partners in the learning process and therefore have the ability to actively participate in planning, monitoring, and evaluating their education. The assumption that adults learn differently from children has numerous implications for instruction, particularly in how educators address learners’ specific needs and preferences. First, the educator has to consider the adult learner tendency for autonomy and self-direction in evaluating their teaching style. Second, instruction in adult learning has to take into account adult learners’ preference for relevant, problem-based learning and the relationship between these new knowledge to their specific contexts and life tasks (Lieb, 1991). Hence, adult learning instruction must be able to incorporate multiple teaching strategies, practice respect for self-directed learning processes, and offer experiential learning opportunities in order for learners to gain a sense of control and personal relevance of their learning (Maher, 2002, p. 7). Lastly, adult instruction must enable learner participation in all aspects of the learning process, and clarify the learner’s responsibility for assessing and evaluating their own performance vis-a-vis their goals for learning. Clearly, the dichotomy between adult learning and child learning primarily stems from the distinct learning needs and styles of each group of learners. Hence, adult learners require teaching strategies and styles that are vastly different from the traditional teaching methods employed in early education. Thus, the field of adult learning itself is made unique not only by its distinct goals and outcomes for the learner, but by the greater responsibility for the learning process that it allocates to the learner as a mature, independent individual. Works Cited: Atherton, J. S. (2005) Learning and teaching: Knowles andragogy: an angle on adult learning. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. learningandteaching. info/learning/knowlesa. htm Landsberger, J. (1996). Learning as an adult Andragogy. The Study Guides and Strategies. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. studygs. net/adulted. htm Lieb, S. (2007). Principles of adult learning. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://honolulu. hawaii. edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/adults-2. htm Maher, P. A. (2002). Conversations with long-time adult educators: the first three generation (ED471248). Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. eric. ed. gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/1a/9c/bd. pdf Parkes, D. (2001). About adult education: Transformative learning. Journal of Workplace Learning. 13 (3). 182-184. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from ProQuest Data Base. Timarong, A. , Temaungil, M. , & Sukrad, W. (n. d. ). Adult learning and learners. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. prel. org/products/pr_/adult-learners. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Response paper - Essay Example s a norm against the lower class; how heterosexuality is the norm against which homosexuality is judged and even how the white people establish the norm against which the color skinned groups are judged (Lehman & Luhr, 2003). Mass media is able to promote new definitions of who people are and what they can be. The images of racial minorities and ethnic groups are limited in the media, along with those of women. A large majority of the characters shown on TV and films are males and women are depicted in stereotype manner or as a mere object of affection for the males. The minorities who are also an audience for films and television represent a small minority on the screen. These individuals also have certain stereotyped characters which they are limited to. Latinos are shown mostly as criminals or passionate lovers, African American men are shown mostly in the roles of athletes, entertainers or criminals whereas the African American women are shown as those being domestic or sexual objects (Anderson & Taylor, 2006).Class stereotypes are also depicted in a similar manner. In some of the movies the women are shown according to their stereotypical roles whereas in others they manage to escape these stereotyp es and take on more masculine roles. This paper looks into the issues of race, gender and cultures which are highlighted in director and producer Robert Rodriguez’s films. The three films considered for this response paper include Desperado form the Mariachi trilogy, the vampire movie From Dusk till Dawn and lastly the Spy Kids trilogy. The paper analysis how each of these issues are presented in the movies and how they differ from each other. Robert Rodriguez, born in 1968, is one of the best known film directors and producers in Hollywood. He is well known in the movie industry for his creativity and innovation talent. In all of his films Robert Rodriguez mixes solid action film making with Chicano characters, cultures and settings (Benshoff & Griffin, 2004).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Explain the importance of training and the bottom line and how its Essay

Explain the importance of training and the bottom line and how its effect on turnover - Essay Example turnover then this means that the organization has been successful in retaining its employees by giving them better atmosphere and working environment. High turnover of employees negatively influences the organization and the organization is not able to smoothly plan things and manage their operations. Thus, turnover of employees is a critical aspect in the success of the organization (OConnell, & Kung, 2007). Human resource management is responsible for formulating different strategies in managing the human resource and in retaining them. Training is one of the strategies that human resource uses in order to retain the employees (Carraher, 2011). Employees analyze and identify career growth, skill development and several other factors to continue their job with the organization. If employees do not see a bright future with the organization then it is likely that they would switch to an organization that can offer them higher growth and career development. Training is therefore critical in building and developing the skills of employees. Training is an important aspect and function of human resource department and human resource management. Training helps the employees of the organization to learn new things as well as enhance their existing skills (Pencavel, 1972). Training is a sort of investment that the organization makes on the employees and the returns on training are basically the higher productivity, more consistency in the performance of employees, overcoming the issues, problems and weaknesses in the employees of the organization, increases the satisfaction level of employees, reduces the pressure and work of the supervisor and several other benefits. Therefore training has a lot to offer to the employers and the organization. Training is one of the key elements linked to employee satisfaction in a specific firm. There are different aspects that result in retaining of employees and the satisfaction of employee is among one of these factors. Therefore

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial Analysis of two companies- Iggle and Piggle Essay - 1

Financial Analysis of two companies- Iggle and Piggle - Essay Example The cash inflows are the amount of money that is coming into the business and cash outflows means the amount of money that is spent on the initiation of the business. This fund management is an essential part of the business and should be followed well. In the corporate world, the main aim on which the management focuses in terms of managing its finances is by achieving various goals that are set for a particular period. There are particular financial processes which should be followed by a firm to fulfill its profit-making objectives. Here we will analyze and evaluate the business performance of the two companies- Iggle plc and Piggle plc, with the help of different techniques and tools of financial management. (Economy watch, n.d). The company Iggle plc had a return on capital employed of 35% with the return on equity of 20% which is determined by the ratio of net income to the total equity of the company. The net profit margin of the company that is, the profit after interest but before payment of tax is said to be 15%. For the company, the average settlement period of debtors and the average settlement period of creditors are 78 days and 85 days respectively. The stock holding period of the company is 88 days with a gross profit margin of 44%. The company had 15 times of fixed asset turnover and a capital gearing ratio of 65%. The current ratio of the company, which is the ratio between current assets and current liabilities, is 8:1 and the acid test ratio or the quick ratio is 6:1. The company had a price earning (PE) ratio which is determined by the market price of shares per earnings per share of 6 and it shows the valuation of the company. The company Piggle plc had a return on capital employed of 20% with the return on equity of 10% which is determined by the ratio of net income to the total equity of the company.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dada in the world war one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Dada in the world war one - Essay Example With the future of Germany an uncertainty, many avant-garde artists, including George Ehrenfried Grosz, were inspired by the Russian Revolution and formed the Berlin Dada Club (McCloskey 45). They believed classic Marxism was the best solution to the turmoil in Germany (McCloskey 46). They thought the major social, economic, and political turmoil in Germany stemmed from the bourgeoisies oppression of the proletariat and dedicated their art to ending the war and revolutionary change. George Ehrenfried Grosz (1893-1959) was born in Berlin, Germany, and emerged as one of the leading German political artists between World War I. His artwork during the 1920s reflected the appalling conditions in Berlin that resulted from the German loss of World War I, which included: food shortages, staggering inflation, the sight of war cripples begging in the streets, rampant prostitution, and widespread violence. As the German military began to accept the loss of the war, Grosz became increasingly involved with left wing activities and publishing his revolutionarily motivated art. His sentiments were fueled by a close relationship he developed with two brothers, Weiland Herzfelde and John Herzfelde (or John Heartfield as he called himself). Grosz had met Heartfield while in the infantry and they both decided to Americanize their names as protest against the German military (George Groszs given name was Georg Gross) (McCloskey 20). The Herzfelde brothers had been influenced by th eir parents to have strong socialist views and revolutionary attitudes. Their father was a socialist writer and their mother a textile union organizer. Grosz and the Herzfelde brothers, the historian Beth Lewis pointed out, "shared a common conviction that the war was not only despicable, but that it was lost" (Lewis 42). Grosz also believed that the common soldier had an interest in not wanting the war to end. He reasoned that the accepted violence in the

How interactive multimedia affects young children Essay

How interactive multimedia affects young children - Essay Example This essay declares that interactive multimedia has huge positive impacts on the psychology of learners that shows up in the form of rapid shift in the child’s mood and inclination towards studies. What fundamentally upgrades multimedia educations as compared to traditional educational setup is that moving picture keeps the viewers interest in the subject alive for hours. They can maintain their concentration for prolonged periods of time. This paper makes a conclusion that multimedia has been successfully employed as a means of conveying education in many advanced countries of the world in the present age. Children have been able to enhance their cognitive skills with the advent of multimedia in the educational system. Children who have gained maximum benefit from the incorporation of multimedia in education are the ones suffering from Autism. Use of interactive multimedia in education enhances the computer skills of children sufficiently enough so as to progress in an information based culture of the modern world. Teachers prefer to make use of multimedia because it provides them with an opportunity to overcome the shortfalls of conventional teaching methods and allows the students to apply what all they learn from their texts. According to Gilliver, Randall, and Pok, the multimedia not only facilitates learning but also proves cost effective in that increased usage decreases the cost per use.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Shawshank Redemption movie review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shawshank Redemption movie review - Essay Example In this movie, there is not just a story line, but it has a deeper meaning to the scenario. There is a saving appeal in the title ‘the Shawshank Redemption’. According to the Webster’s Dictionary, redeem means to free from what distresses or harm (Analysis of the Shawshank Redemtion). There is an initial sense of salvation as to what Shawshank might be. However, later in the movie this sense is discovered. According to that sense, the title is an oxymoron. How can it be possible that a prison provides redemption? However, full meaning of the title is gained by the end of the movie. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is a successful banker and the leading character of Shawshank. He is a man who is convicted for murdering her wife and her lover. Due to this murder, he shipped to a maximum-security prison in Shawshank, Maine, for two consecutive life sentences. Shawshank is a depressing and harsh prison, where brutality from the prisoners and the guards is a common place. A ndy becomes friends of a guy who had a fair taste of the prison after spending many years behind the bars. This was Ellis Boyd ‘Red’ Redding (Morgan Freeman). Red is aware of all the ways of smuggling items in the prison for other prisoners. After other prisoners brutalize Andy, Red realizes that he is an unusual person (Brundage). Morgan, as the new recruit who is most likely to crack under the pressure picked up Andy. Soon enough, Andy realized the harsh realities of the prison. The warden was a corrupt, Captain Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown), who led sadistic guards. The inmates were lesser wild than the animals, who would insure their dominance through rape or beatings. Andy had proclaimed his innocence in the beginning of the movie. Throughout the time he was in prison, he does not crack, but he has the hope of his innocence. Apart from being innocent, Andy was smart too. He was always doing something or the other. He helped one of the notorious guards with a tax prob lem in return for which he got chilled bottles of beer for his people who worked in the party. This is how he got the guards and other prisoners on his side (The Shawshank Redemption ). Andy improved the prisons library for those who wanted to study. In a matter of few years, Andy gained the respect of the guards and other prisoner in a matter of few years. Andy was an optimist who would never lose hope. He would also give hope to the other prisoners. He accepts that fact that life has many possibilities, but to fulfill them all, he needs to be free. This movie is the best example of art and music. It is about a man who does not give up on hope, the only thing that cannot be taken away from the external forces. Andy and Shawshank are two things the viewer completely is enveloped with. The first glimpse of the prison you get a fair glimpse of how grim the life can be- because of its utterly gothic structure that assaults you with a sense of foreboding. A prison life is composed of ro utine and debasement. It is Andy’s smartness, which allows him to prevail behind the bars. He wins over the guards and the wardens through his skills of banking. He keeps and eye on most of the staff of the prison (The Shawshank Redemption (1994)). Andy is raising funds for his undertaking. He is very patient about it and is steadily writing weekly letters to the state officials until he gets what he is expecting. Slowly and carefully, ‘the Shawshank Conspiracy’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis of the Article Written by Deepak Lal for the Business Research Paper

Analysis of the Article Written by Deepak Lal for the Business Standard Regarding Global Financial Crisis - Research Paper Example The savings are recycled through the international banking system on a regular basis to fuel demand. Second, cheap credit given by banks without checking the creditworthiness of the borrowers. Thirdly, the rise in the commodity prices also contributed a lot to the financial crisis and Lastly, according to him is the bailout sought by some irresponsible banks from the taxpayers telling them otherwise it will lead to the complete wiping of the financial institution. He says that the 1980 crisis was resolved when the banks hugely wrote off their Third World debt, sacked their reckless managers and shareholders also suffered large losses. But, eventually, it all came under control without threatening the world economy on a large scale. Whereas, in the current times the global financial system is sinking and bailouts are no longer an exception but have become a routine affair. The difference in outcome is because that even in the 1970s surplus money was recycled but it was done by the off -shore branches of the Parent Bank, bringing no risk to the Western Banking system, even if there was a default. Whereas, the current crisis stems from UK's financial liberalisation in the 1980s, and the Clinton era abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act, which had kept a firewall between the commercial and investment banking parts of the financial system since the 1930s. In these times no difference was kept between the Payments/deposit system of the banks and the investment banking.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

In class Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

In class Exam 2 - Essay Example Modern communication means have enabled wider contacts with the outside world. People are becoming more prone to getting impressed by various foreign cultures and traditions. Language is no more a hurdle any more, as people worldwide are interacting through trade, social online forums, different media sources, and many other ways (â€Å"Wise Geek† par. 2). Globalization has impressed our lives through its innovation in ideas. It has created an environment of popular culture. All those who inculcate a feeling of belonging to the global community want to be a part of the popular culture. By popular culture means change in interests is welcomes, as people in the United States get entertained with the South African music and love reading the Japanese comic literature. Some music content of America is very well received in other parts of the world, such as the American soap operas are famous in Israel. In the music segment alone, Indian film music is popular in countries wherever I ndians are residing. Indian movies are also seen widely in other countries. Sometimes, they attract more crowds in foreign lands than in their country of production. All this has happened because of reducing physical boundaries among nations; globalization has made this possible with the revolution in means of communication (National Geographic 1). Globalization is not limited one facet of life; it has become all-pervasive for those budding managers of the future who like to dress even in global corporate attire. Most professionals in various countries prefer to follow international dress code of suits in formal wear and T-shirts and jeans in casual wear (National Geographic 1). From the perspective of future manager, it would help the manager of a multinational company to entertain varied taste in music and clothing. He can well appreciate distinct music choices of staff, when working outside his/her state of origin. Wider knowledge of music will help in making acquaintances with o thers if tastes match. Even if tastes are not similar, knowledge of other peoples’ culture will bring strangers nearer. Overall, it will help a manager to jell with wider set of people at work, if outlook is broader and global. Culture is a very wide aspect that can help a future manager to build strong relationships in business. Food is yet another cultural trait. Imagine, as a manager of the US origin, you visit India and develop a taste for South Indian cuisines. Whenever, if you get a chance of posting for some years in India, you may show willingness to accept your posting there to not only relish South Indian food, but make a lot of friends there, just because you have a liking for Indian movies or film songs, or for that matter Indian cuisine. Managers need to cross the boundaries of physical world truly if they want to fit the role of global as well as glocal, which means they are adept in both local and global cultural traits. They can develop cordial relations with staff in a foreign land, which will help them in leveraging more business for the company they are working. Present a Concise, Articulate, and Supported Argument of a Pro and Con of Globalization Arguing in favor or against globalization is not free from political connotations because the very process is complicated enough to decide what are its pros and cons, as pros considered by some are observed as cons by others. The list of the pros and cons of globalization includes various benefits and disadvantages of globalization. Some of them

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Baroque period Essay Example for Free

The Baroque period Essay The Baroque period was a point in time that describes the style and manner of music in Europe that extended through the years spanning from 1600-1750 C. E. (Sartorius, para. 1). The term Baroque was initially mainly used as a description of art rather than the music until the 20th century. During this era, two main musical classes were dominant, the oratorio and the opera. This article explores the similarities and differences between the two genres as well as tries to note whether all famous composers wrote both genres or were specific in their writing A striking similarities in the two genres existed and centers mainly around the time they came up. Both genres flourished and saw increased performance in the 17th century. Both genres employed the use of drama in their performance and could thus be described as vocal pieces aimed at narrating a story (Grier, pp. 302) Though the two genres share similarities, their differences are also pronounced. The oratorio lacks stage performance and does not rely upon the use of costumes during presentations, a defining feature of operas. Also, while the operas are mainly secular, the oratorios are mainly sacred in their context hence their name that means†prayer hall†. While operas almost always have a lead, oratorios rely heavily on use of chorus singers. The oratorios also relatively had a lot of recitations, something the operas did not share. While some famous composers such as Daniel Purcell writing oratoris such as Magnificant and Nunc Dimittis as well as Batch Sebastian famed for his oratorios such as libretto seemed to stick to one genre of music in their writing, some wrote both the operas and the oratorios. An example is the composer Giovanni Battista Bassani who had a set of 13 oratorios including LEsaltazione di S Croce, 1675 and IL mistico Roveto, 1681 and he also composed 13 operas most of which cannot now be traced save for Gli amori alla moda. Handel Georg, arguably only second to Batch in composition also wrote operas and oratorios such as Judas Maccabeus and the Messiah (Gonzales Et Al, pp. 135). Work cited: Gonzales, Et Al, Mapeh in Action Iv 20. Manilla: Rex Bookstore, Inc. , 2008. Grier, James Don Neville, Salieris Partion. Early Music, XXIX (2): 302-304, 2001. Retrieved on 4th May 2010 from http://em. oxfordjournals. org/cgi/pdf_extract/XXIX/2/302. Sartorius, Michael. BAROQUE MUSIC: historical and geographical context. 17 May 1994. Retrieved on 4th May 2010 from: http://www. baroquemusic. org/barcomp. html.

Alha Udal Essay Example for Free

Alha Udal Essay Alha-Udal(from Bhavishya Purana-Part-2) 1 Sootjee said:-â€Å"In vaksara village there lived an abhiri girl named Vratapa. She was fond of doing nava durga vrata in every starting year. She worshipped Chandika Mata for a boon that she asked for herself .She said:-â€Å"Please devi please with my worship and give me a beautiful boon of great child like Valarama and Krishna. Only this I ask from you hey mata swetaishwari†.There lived Vasumaan named king.He saw the abhiri girl and got pleased with her beautifulness. He married her . He begat with her and produce two sons namely Deshraj and Vatsraj . Vatsraj was powerfull and so was Deshraj. Vatsraj’s power was equal to 100 elephants. They won Magadhdesam and they ruled there. There was a Mlechchha king named Satayatta and ruled in Vanaras. His son was strong like bhimasena and always follows his father’s words . He was tall like Taalvriksha(Paam Tree). Therefore his name is Talana.Under his command there is 100s of soldier. By wish Talana came to King Jaichandra for friendship.There came king Jaichandra to Talana but only brought three soldiers with him to test Talana. 2 Soot jee said:-â€Å"In Indraprastha there ruled king Anangapala. To have his own sons he started doing yagya to satisfy lord Shiva. Then lord Siva got pleased with him and king Anangapala got two daughters namely Chandrakanti and Keertimalini. Granddaughter Chandrakanti got married with king Devpala of Kanyakubja and smaller daughter Keertimalini got married with Ajmer king Someshwara.Jai Sharma is Anangapala’s brother who went to Himalayas to do tapasya by this juncture Anangapala gained concentration to rule his empire. Chandrakanti had two sons Jaichandra and Ratnabhanu. Jaichandra was handsome good warrior and with his brother Ratnabhanu won many battles and defeated many kings. Jaichandra ruled east side of Kanyakubja and Ratnabhanu ruled northside of kanyakubja.Jaichandra saw in gauda, banga and other states of maru, sins got expanded. There jaichandra went and punished those sinners of their weightage of sins. Agnivamsa’s lineage was king Gangasimha whose siste r is Biramati. Ratnabhanu got married with her and as prediction of Shiva they got a beautiful child named Lakshman. He was strong enough and  was well known for Khhanda yuddha(Strife war).After seven years Ratnabhanu went to swarga and got pitriloka. Kirtimalini got three sons elder was Dhundukar, middle was Krishna Kumar and small was Prithviraj(Mahiraj and also called some times Bhu raj or Bhupati and Mahipati (not the Mahipati of Mahismati )in the purana). Twelve years they pass their childhood days. When their childhood days were over, Anangapala gave his kingdom and went to Himalaya for tapasya. Dhundukara got Mathura kingdom and Krishnakumara got Ajmer kingdom. All kings obey their parents and always think about their state’s peoples. There were two Kshatriyas who were Chandravamsins namely Pradyota and Vidyota. Pradyota’s son was Parimala and under him was 1 lakh soldiers. Vidyota’s son was Bhishma Simha and he was the senani(captain) of elephantry.When Anangapala died Prithviraj got the kingdom of Indraprastha. He loved his kingdom very much. One day Devi Shakti appeared before him said:-â€Å"Donot conquer the abhiras and extent your kingdom beyond that which may create a big problem in your life and your control for kingdom†. Then Devi disappeared. Jaichandra received two great chandravamsin in his army. By them he made aksahini army. Pradyot, Vidyot and Parimala were mantris of Jaichaichandra and Bhishmashimha got chief of elephantry of King Jaichandra of Kanyakubja. There was a circular shaped kingdom named Mahoba. That kingdom’s king was Mahipati.King Mahipati has two sisters Agama and Malana. He was very upset that till now his sisters were unmarried.He went with marriage welcome to different kingdoms. At last he gave Agama to Prithviraja and Malana to king Parimala. He became happy . After the end of ceremony Prithviraj demanded a fort from king Mahipati. Mahipati then built a fort in Indraprastha. Beyond that fort four caste :Brahmana,Kshatriya,Sudras and Vaishyas living places were also built. That place come to be known as Deholi(Delhi).Prithviraj got control over the village named Deholi. Jaichandra to expand his kingdom took 60 lakh soldier to capture deholi. By that time Prithviraja worshipped Shiv-Shakti for winning and took soldiers for fight. Seeing great number of soldiers in front Prithviraj got afraid. He sent message to Mahipati. Getting the message king Mahipati took 20 lakh soldiers and came to the battle ground. Jaichandra heard the news and warned king Mahipati. Seeing that cleverish chandravamsin arranged extra 20 lakh soldiers and put 60 lakh soldiers in order of kings the war began. By order of Chandravamsin the army  got divided into several parts and attacked deholi soldiers and by this many got injured. Many soldiers of deholi died of unnamed arrows. Seeing that King Mahipati stopped the war. The soldiers of Jaichandra said:-â€Å"Jaichandra is stronger and Prithviraj is fearfull and weaker†. Then Jaichandra said :-â€Å"From today Prithviraj’s state is under my control.† Prithviraja accepted that but in mind he took vow that he will destroy Agnivamsa dynasty.† 3 Sootjee said:-â€Å"One day Ratnabhanu served Prithviraja. By seeing the scene everybody was impressed. Ratnabhanu had a nice necklace which wears by his only wife, the beautiful one Viramati.Prithviraja got awestruck by seeing the necklace.They had son named Lakshana who is stronger.Gangashimha’s second daughter named Divyabibhabari got married with jaichandra. There was a woman slave named Surabha. She was a master of Kama. King Jaichandra was attracted to her. They begat themselves and got a daughter named Samyogini. After 20 years she became the eligible one for marriage. For sayamvara, king Jaichandra arranged everything. He welcomed Prithviraja in that Sabha. He made mind that he will give his daughter to lakshmana only. It for insulting he called Prithviraja.He arranged everything for Kanykubja prince Lakshmana.He called his Brahmin general Chandrabhatta and said:-â€Å"For kanyakubja you built a swarna murti(golden statue) for gift and it will be like Prithviraja.†By hearing this Chandrabhatta went to worship Maa Bhavani to start his work quickly.Jaichandra also invited many kings of different kingdoms.Then the sabha started and chandrabhatta had kept the statue in middle of the sabha.Samyogini saw the statue and got inspired the man and he made his mind that she will marry only the man who is like statue.But in the sabha everybody’s mouth was fulled with name of lakshana. Then Chandrabhatta said to Jaichandra:-â€Å" It was awesome scene outside in our place please sir do observe it†.Jaichandra observed as Chandrabhatta said. From Prithviraj there came 1 lakh elephantry and 7 lakh horse men. 1000 charioters and they are all trained arrow mens.1 lakh foot soldiers in them 1200 mens are with strength . 100s of footsoldiers protecting Prithviraja infront .Hundreds of hundred family member came from Prithviraja in which his wife also was present.King of Kanyakubja Ratnabhanu came there . Dhundukara came with his elephantry.There also came Krishnakumara.They were the doorkeeper seeing that if anybody will do mischief will be sent out of the place.In betwwen  200 km the strenghiest army is being placed.In between there was Jaichandra and Prithviraja who were surrounded by 1 lakh elephantry and 7 lakh foot-soldier. There was 8 lakh soldiers protecting the place.Those surrounding soldiers of Prithviraj were Suklavamsin. Everywhere there was standing soldiers for wars. In Ishana direction there were kurmahara who sat and building the vocal musical equipments.There also present Mahipati, Bhishma Shimha,Parimala and Chandravamsin warriors Pradyot and Vidyot.They were surrounded by foot-soldiers who were ready to do a continue war for five days.There were 10 thousand elephantry and horse were in lakhs. Also present there 5 lakh footsoldiers near them.There present 300 chariots. There present king Ratnabhanu who is protected by 100 elephantry , 3 lakh foot soldiers and 1 lakh horsemen. Thus that place creates an illusion of heaven(Swarga puree) . In one side Sanyogita(Sanyogini also called Samyogini) was thinking of getting Prithviraja as her husband.She heared of the name coming around the sabha was lakshana and she saw lakshana was not the person alike the statue.Therefore she became sad and again and again calling Mahadeva and Mahadeva in mind.MahaDeva got pleased with her and released Maya on Prithviraja. Prithviraja got deluded in the maya and looked over Sanyogita and got attracted to her beautifulness. He then arrived towards her and by seeing him she got fainted.He took up her body and arranged all soldiers of him which he brought into the sabha. He forcefully took the body of Sanyogita and fled to his country Deholi with all of his Deholi soldiers. When these news reached to ear of everyone present in the sabha , there started a chaos. Then king Jaichandra kept half of the soldiers in entrance of the state and his house. His soldier chieftain chandravamsin brothers Pradyot and Vidyot reorganize the rest half of the soldiers present in the state.They all declared war on Prithviraja and came to Kurukshetra region for the war.Suddenly the war began.Horsemen fought with Horsemen and elephantry fought their opponent’s elephantry.It started to build a fearful in shape. In the end of the day they lost their strong soldiers.They all feared and with King’s order they stopped the fight and took their respective places to spend the night. In morning with the order of Pradyot , they began the fight with chieftains of Deholi.Vallama(a pointed metal headed weapon) sounded with opponent’s Vallama. Dhundukara continuously shot arrow towards Pradyot. The well-known Varuna-astra when  struck to Pradyot he got senseless and fell down.There came Dhundukara and put pradyot to death.In that mament Krishnakumara was doing war with elephantry.By angry mood Krishnakumara shot Surya-ashtra. With that divine arrow many got dead.Vidyot also died from that arrow with his soldiers.Ratnabhanu then came to that pace and started the fight.Then Prithviraja arranging 1000 elepnahtry and went to do war with Lakshana.With Shiva’s boon King Prithviraja was strong and agry with Bishmasimha and Parimala he shot fearful Rudra-astra to Lakshana.To save Lakshana Ratnabhanu went there and took the arrow in his body and got fainted and fell down.The illusion of Rudra-ashtra had deluded Dhundukara which is seen by his brother Prithviraja. He then to cut off the illusion shot Vaishnava-astra.Therefore by maya-cutter vaishnava-ashtra Ratnabhanu also got his sense.He got up and fought with Krishnakumara violently.Both were dead under the paws of elepha nt.Others were died by naga-ashtra(snake creating arrow) and Kharga(rounded shaped big knife).Many paths opened in the fierce full war but the path of winning is still very far. After the end of the day the deadbodies of great warriors were carried off in their resting region region. The soldiers of Kanyakubja when saw teir king was dead they got feared.About five lakh died soldier’s wives were present there crying in grief ,falling and fainting by seeing their family membersare dead. Kings of both side got fear by the scene .Ratnabhanu and those who were dead were cremated by hidu dharma(were burnt in fire).The army of Jaichandra want to surrender themselves in the next morning to Prithviraja.When Suryadeva appeared in the morning and it’s rays fall every-where. Both-sided flags were raised again. Bhishmasimha, Parimala and Lakshmana were in sadness as their fathers were dead.They came out and laid friendship with Dhundukara.There army of Prithviraja sang Prithviraja won and king Jaichandra lost. Therefore Jaichandra and others laid friendship with Deholi king Prithviraj. Jaichandra of kanyakubj and Deholi king started a big ceremony with happiness in mind. 4 Sootjee said:-â€Å"In ganga dynasty the first worshipped god is Indra. Bhishmasimha also after birth ,started to worship Indra.(Shakra deva).Oneday he started to do strong tapasya of Indra by worshipping Surya deva.He prayed:-â€Å"Please god give me a divya (magical) boon and please with my  prayer god Indra!†.Indra got pleased and gave him a divne female deer(divya harini).Bhishmasimha was very happy with this and every day to satisfy Indradeva praised Indra with his stotra(prayer) and meditate on him.One day king Parimala was very sad because his father was dead.He praise the earth and stated to worship Shiva.Shiva to examine him gave him a strong disease named Sarparoga.After five months went the strength of the king Parimala broke down.† He knows that if he did pray lord Shiva in mind , many strong diseases will get vanished.Therefore he did not stop praying lord shiva in mind.With his fatal health,king took his own family to Kashi.Under the banyan tree they spend their night.King said in mind :-â€Å"Your name is always in my mind†.Hearing this beautiful words lord shiva took form of snake and went there.King to get well praising shiva again and again falling on the floor of kashi temple saying:-â€Å"If you lord did not remove the disease from my body,I will not drink water and take food†.Hearing this lord shiva immediately healed the disease.The happiness got filled in his mind and body.Expressing the happiness he said everybody present there what had happened to him and how did he got cured? . Then king Parimala tells to bring oil to bath Shiv linga.†Sootjee then said :-â€Å"Who will hear this story will get cured from sins attached to body.† Sootjee said:-â€Å"Painting a picture of snake bearing shiva in mind,king Parimala started bathing linga of Shiva situated in Kashi temple.The the king did Sashtanga pranayama- mudra to praise lord Shiva.His wife gave Bhoga(a hindu belief of giving food to god ,so that god may eat and touch the food and make it a divine one) to Lord Shiva. Then King sarted to praise shiva with this stotra:- â€Å"Thatho jaatam sayam lingam mam gushtavyam sanatanam. Jyoti rupam sarva laksha samanvitam. Nishi thhe tha maththadadha the dikshu suryatvam aagatham.† By this for one month of worship king pleased lord Shiva.He painted lord Shiva in mind to please Shiva.Having pleased with king lord Shiva appeared before him and told to ask a boon from him.By hearing this King Parimala said:-â€Å"if you god truly pleased with me then please stay in my house always.†Shiva blessed him with the boon and vanished in the linga.Every day king distribute gold to peoples.Having pleasing everybody king with happy mind went to mahavati-puree.Every-body was astonished to see the fully cured king.After the end of the year he went to the state of kanyakubja to meet king Jaichandra.Seeing king Parimala everybody got happy and  over-joyed.Every body is seeing the miraculous king who had cured the fatal disease.Seeing the cured king Raja jaich andra was also overjoyed.He said to Parimala:-â€Å"The peace will not stay for so long in the states and you caused happiness to every of my subjects also me ,hence I assure you of future help when you will be in need. †By hearing the pleasant assurance of help from King Jaichandra, King Parimala went to his kingdom.† Sootjee continued :-â€Å"To get boon Lakshmana everyday worship Lord Vishnu and every day pray by these words:-â€Å"I you were not there ,I may not be alive today.You are the real protector O Vishnu!.Please give me a divya (divine) vahana(carriage,in hindu, an animal who used to carry men from one place to another) by which every enemy can be destroyed easily.†Then Jagannath dev from his leg created a divine chariot carried by elephant named airavat sent it to lakshman through king.After that with everybody king Parimala went to Mahavati puree.There great Talana the son of king Venarasa was drinking a sweet intoxicating drink made of honey. Mahavatee puree’s king Mahipati was sitting in his own place.Then Talana went there and said to king :-â€Å" Hey rajan please kind with me and give me what I want.†At the end of the month the great Talana repeated the same word,then rajan realized of his want.To please him and to remove sadness from his mind he went to Venaras and gave the kingdom to Talana after consulting to Venras king Satayatta. Mahipati then came to his home and gave a fort to Deshraj and Vatsraj ,the abhiri kings .That fort was situated in between mountains and decorated with flowers ,creepers.The gentle winds blows there making the place lively. The two sons :- Vatsraj and Deshraj was like his parents strong and brave. Then Talana the mlechcha king of venaras having declared as Yuvaraj of his kingdom was very happy.He was fond of Rakshashas. Therefore he called the mlechchas of his kingdom to have a great ceremony in mahavati puree for worship of May danava(a famous danava created by Vishnu,does works like Vishwakarman in rakshasha kula and a famous character in Ramayana).To attained that ceremony there came Deshraj and Vatsraj after crossing mountains.Many kings came to attained the ceremony.There present 60,000 warriors surrounding Talana.There present ministers,brothers,and kings who are chandravamsins.Everyone praising the great Talana. 5 Sootjee said:-There was a king named Jambuka ruled in Mahismati who is  freared of Prithviraj .With prince Kaliya he lived in the place which is situated near Narmada river.He is the friend and general of Prithviraj.King Jambuka does worship of the earth and different dev devis(god and goddesses) .Then he started to do worship of lord Shiva.For want of boon King Jambuka everyday does worship of Lord Shiva. The king said:-â€Å"Hey Mahadev what boon you want you give it to me.†Then Lord Shiva appeared before him and said:-â€Å"Hey king you are the best worshipper of me.Let you and your soldiers be undefeated.†The lord Shiva disappeared.The Rajan to show his love towards Lord Shiva ,he went to Maheshwaram teerth with his prince Kaliya and took his soldiers there. Seeing the beauty of the place everybody got wonderstruck and they all praised that place. Rajan said:-â€Å"Everyday we must worship Pritri deva† and by saying this he went to ganga for tarpan(an hinduic tribute to pitri deva i.e forefathers) .King said :-â€Å"hey pitri dev please keep my body and soul purified†.By doing sradhdhic tarpan rajan praised Mata Ganga with vidhis the king went to his own house.Kaliya’s sister name is Vijayasini.Kaliya asked his sister :-â€Å"what should I give you that is beautiful and precious in your eyes†. Then his sister said:-â€Å"Give me necklace and precious jewels.†Kaliya then went with lakhs of horsemen and did bath in ganga.Then after doing bath in ganga implying all vidhis(rituals) he gave many danas(gifts) to brahmanas. Afterbathing, Kaliya looks for the necklace, first in Kanyakubja (Kanauj), but learns Kanauj is wealthless.He saw king is strong but the state is filled with dues and there is shortage of wealth. Then he then learns to attack Mahoba as he saw that Mahoba is filled of wealth and j ewels.Prince Kaliya then went with 1 lakh Horse men to Mahavatee puree to get necklace and jewels for his siter.There went general Mahisena with king and his soldiers and warned that to give all the wealth they has or fight with them. Mahipati got feared and called Lord Shiva again and again saying either you give welth or please protect me and my soldiers from wrath of king Jambuka.Then Lord Shiva appeared and said to king :-â€Å"Hey king please say the thousand names of Mata Chandika to protect you and your Soldiers.†Then king said the thousand names of Mata Chandika and protected him and his soldiers.Then kings send his generals for fight.He took help of Kanyakubj ruler Jaichandra. Another side for not getting their demand Mahisena and his soldiers get ready to fight.Then king Jaichandra came to fight with the soldiers.There came Deshraj with thousand Naga  warriors.There came Vatsraj with 16000 horsemen.At last came the soldiers of big Talana.There started a fierce full war between them.It goes on till night.Jaichandra was about to win the war. Suddenly there entered the friend of Prithviraja, Jambuka with soldiers of mahismati.The soldiers,Kaliya and king Jambuka went everywhere and started fighting .Jambuka went middle of the battlefield with half of the soldiers and put Mahadeva(Lord Shiva’s) Moha(illusive) arrow in his bow and shot it to the opponent soldiers. The arrow is full of Sidhdha mantra by which the opponent soldiers fell down to ground.Then with sword they started to kill the opponent soldiers. The soldiers of mahismati started to praise their king.Everywhere spread fear.There came Bhisma Shimha with soldiers.With Surya-datta(Surya-astra) arrow he cut of the maya i.e illusion. Then everybody of his friendly soldiers got up but getting their senses.Then taking sword they cut off the opponent’s soldier’s body. Many fall senseless,other got pressed under the paws of elephant and many got wounded by number of arrows.Then mahismati soldiers accumulated themselves and started fating with opponents.Sword tore and fell to the ground and many got killed and fell to the ground.There came big Talana and stared stomping over his opponent and tearing them apart with sword. He defeated his opponent Kaliya and his soldiers.Many got killed and King jambuka was injured and fall to the ground. With very strength he prayed to sankara(shiva).By that time both side’s half of his soldiers are dead.Shiva spread his maya.Then King Jambuka got up and gathered his half of his soldiers and went from the battlefield.Thus king Parimala defeated his opponents.Everybody sang of their win.Seeing they have won the battle Jaichandra was surprised. Talana organized their half of the army. Then Bhishma Shima went to his house. After five months all kings went to house Bhishmasimha. Because his wife ,the daughter of Gurjara(gujrat)king named Ravyadaalasaa gave birth to a divine child .Every king gave number of wealth to Bhisma-simha.By the order of lord shiva the portion of Sahadeva took birth in the house of Bhismashimha.The child’s name is Deva-simha, a well-known warrior and knowledge-able person of the future.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

News Management of Influenza Outbreak

News Management of Influenza Outbreak 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0 NEWS MANAGEMENT The media is facing increasing pressure and demands from the public for timely and varied news stories in diverse angles. Media agencies are seeking above all to be the one-stop conduit of information for their audiences and the understanding of these pressures and angles can help organizations to not only cope with media attention but to also turn it to its advantage. News management according to Underwood (2010) is the process by which organizations attempt to take control of the flow of news to the media and setting the agenda for the media. The media will always want to set the agenda- which is what they consider as newsworthy. Organizations, ranging from businesses to political institutions all leverage this tactic to either establish a positive reputation or counteract public scrutiny in its activities. This is done through; issuing of press releases, holding press conferences and staging events which is also very powerful as a strategy to influence the media in its coverage. News agencies are considered to act as gatekeepers by seeking events and defining stories. The defining of stories that are newsworthy or not is done through a set of criteria called news values (Underwood, 2010). News value, as a criterion helps determine what makes a story and also, can make into the news. The selection of news events is determined by the creation of reality through choices of journalists related to their professional standards and what a journalist or editor considers an event is what they see to be an event and can make the news. For example, the opening of a multinational bank will make a potential news item than the same bank hiring new executives. Organisations can play the media at their own game through news values. For example, a political government choosing to announce details of an embarrassing report on the same day a latest report of an arrest of a corrupt official or an epidemic outbreak is announced. The arrest and epidemic issue may fit the mediaâ⠂¬â„¢s angle and thus rendering the report overlooked. News management within the context of political organisations is seen as a practical solution for governments and political actors to use the media in furthering their political goals. According to Pfetsch (1999), a particular selection and shaping of news is dependent on the institution, political and media context of a country. With political organizations’ objective of controlling information on the public agenda, through shaping media coverage makes news management an important factor. Political actors use news management as a way to manage contingencies, considering instances when the media is fed with information and the organisation still has no power to control the main news coverage. Framing and Spin-control are some of the strategies political organisations employ to control information. Framing as a structure of meaning and interpretation is seen to be connected to message contents, the media and the situation at hand (Klandermans, 1988). Spin-controlling is also a technique that is employed by political organisations in news management to fix results from happenings and to manage expectations of events about to happen (Bruce, 1992). This technique is used by organisations to stress more on features that is attractive to the target media and also avoid the features that are considered undesirable. For example, during election night news coverage, defeats in elections are interpreted as victories in front of television cameras. A typical example of a spin was the news during the September 11th World Trade Center came falling and Jo Moore sent Stephen Byers (Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and Regions) her boss a memo proposing â€Å"it’s now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury. Councillors expenses?† Unfortunately, the memo got leaked and she was reprimanded by her boss and there was a media onslaught and outrage. But on her part, it was a cynical spin which suggests she was able to divert attention on the serious event that has happened (Sparrow, 2001). Every organisation is potential for media scrutiny and needs to be prepared any time. Organisations always strive for brand recognition and reputation building through activities using public relations and advertising strategies; however, the media’s coverage during any event can be unsatisfactory. Therefore, when a crisis event hit an organisation, it isn’t difficult to see the media coming to knock on the door step to seek stories that are newsworthy. Organisations ultimate goal in news management should be to influence by all means possible what kind of news should appear in the media in any situation. Kotoka International Airport (KIA) has hit by a strain of influenza virus, has its image to protect in this crisis and as an organisation, it can only influence media coverage through setting the agenda for the media through an effective news management strategy. 2.0 INTRODUCTION An epidemic outbreak believed to be an influenza virus has come to the notice of the management at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA) in Ghana. Several cases have been reported within the last 3 hours and seven people including three children are now hospitalized and one passenger reported dead from the influenza virus but in another country. The KIA is an airport that has facilities and offers services in line with international standards. KIA has seen more than 2.6 million passengers in 2013. The recent reported a case on the passenger who died of the epidemic was reported to have been on a trip to Thailand. The international airport has structured standard procedures to handle and protect the lives of passengers through its Emergency Medical Services (EMS) but the media in Ghana is criticising KIA on its poor cleaning routines and hygienic practices in controlling the epidemic so far. As the media relations officer of KIA, this strategic plan is devised to manage the news and also counteract any media onslaught concerning the influenza epidemic. 2.1 Aim The aim of this plan is to get the public informed about the influenza outbreak, provide safety actions at the airport and to also assure the public with the trust and confidence of putting the crisis under control. The plan also seeks to counteract any form of media scrutiny and protect the reputation of the KIA. 2.3 Objectives The following are the objectives of the strategic media plan: To install confidence to travellers at the KIA and how management is working effectively to keep the outbreak under control within 72 hours. To inform and communicate facts on the outbreak and minimize rumours before the end of the second day. To promote a positive understanding of the epidemic response, mitigation and control programs in place by the end of 48 hours’ time. To maintain confidence and order in the safety and operations at KIA by the end of the week. 3.0 THE CRISIS COMMUNICATION TEAM (CCT) In the development and implementation of a strategic plan, the first step is the creation of a team who will plan the response and provide the media with all details pertaining to the influenza outbreak at KIA. All the employees will be informed with measures on the influenza epidemic but authorised not to respond to any media enquiries. The CCT will include the following: i. Director of Airports The Director of Airports is Dr Gani and has been serving in that office for 15 years with vast experience and knowledge on the business at the KIA. He will be in authority to direct, control and coordinate the overall management of the epidemic crisis. He will work closely with his deputy in to oversee all measures put in place to control the epidemic and also manage all the section/team heads. ii. Health and Safety Director Mrs Ganira as the director will be playing a very important role. She will be responsible for coordinating all health and safety functions during this emergency at KIA. She will coordinate with all departments and provide messages and information regarding safety conditions to help minimize the outbreak. She will also coordinate with health services for emergency responses and quarantining of affected passengers. iii. Public Information Officer (PIO) Miss Claudia will be responsible for managing all media enquiries and assists in the preparation and dissemination of information and brief the media before a press conference. Supervise and monitor all information for accuracy and consistency before being discharged into the public domain via the media. She will prepare the spokesperson for any press conference or interviews and also train him on regular basis. She will be in-charge of the Media Information Centre (MIC). Chief of Operations Mr Saah will lead the operations section in the development and implementation of the health standard measures. He will ensure the planning and logistics functions support at KIA. He will support the MIC with operational information. He will identify the deployment and actions of each team and also someone to keep a log on all activities throughout. 3.1 DESIGNATED SPOKESPERSON In considering someone as the spokesperson for the team, factors considered include someone who is a real communicator, has a respectable public figure and the media are familiar with and can convey accurate and important messages to the media and public. With such qualities, no other person can occupy that other than Mr Godwin, who is the Deputy Director of Airports. With his vast experience in his past work history as the director of operations for the Ministry of Health, he suits the position to be the spokesperson for the crisis team. 3.2 TIPS FOR THE SPOKESPERSON Every spokesperson is expected to know or possess some characteristics to be able to engage and utilise the media to the organisations advantage. The following tips are considered and followed to gain some form of representation from the media. He must know the policies of KIA and be informed thoroughly on any current information before engaged by the media. Show empathy with those affected but not using words like â€Å"we regret†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which might make it look like a lawsuit. During interviews or Press conferences: When reporters or journalists put up sticky questions to him, he must answer them but will bridge them to the key messages he wants to convey. Must avoid â€Å"No comment† phrase. He will need to avoid replying questions with that phrase he do not want to answer. Appropriate answers can be, â€Å"I don’t have that information with me now. May I research it and get back to you?† And avoid using jargons or acronyms when speaking with news reporters and stick to the facts. 4.0 KEY MESSAGES The key messages play a very important aspect during crisis communication. They need to be few in number, short and concise to the public through the media. Other factors considered for key messages include giving positive action steps, not speculating, use of pronouns and cut-to-the-chase. The message map below shows the key messages to be used. Table 1: Message map for the influenza pandemic crisis 5.0 STRATEGIC MEDIA CHANNELS Media agencies are every time seeking above all to be their audiences’ avenue for information and make it important for the organization to meet its needs. It is imperative for organizations to establish positive relationships with the news media to help build partnership during any situation. KIA has built a positive relationship with key news media agencies in the capital. Therefore during this crisis, KIA’s goal is to be accurate, timely and reliable with its news coverage. There are a wide range of available media channels KIA can employ to disseminate and engage the media to reach its audience. However, the success will depend on the unique and best conduit for widest possible audience. The following will be considered by KIA. 5.1 Press Conference The first action to be taken when KIA has news on the influenza strain within 1 hour to 2 hours is to extend an invitation to media representatives (See Appendix A for Ghana’s media) to attend a press conference. This will help project KIA with an authoritative image and with a credible message during the crisis. To do this, the press statements will be brief, true, and accurate. As first official information, the key messages will include elements like expression of concern for passenger’s welfare, confirmed facts and action steps, the process, commitment statement and where to go for more information and the spokesperson will stay on the key messages throughout. 5.2 Website The next within the 2 hour period of the crisis it to create a crisis page on KIA’s official website and updates will be continuing on any new development on the epidemic at the airport. 5.3 Press release Within 3 to 5 hours period, possible topics would have been identified and press release sent to both the traditional and social media. They will include facts on the epidemic at KIA, and will stay on the key messages 1, 2 and 3. A media kit will be included with detail facts sheets on the crisis at KIA. 5.4 Social Media Considered as the fastest and uncontrolled channels for information travel, KIA will engage the public through key social networking sites Facebook and Twitter. YouTube channel will also be used for broadcasting the information on the epidemic. All key messages will be tweeted often as well as images posted. This will help inform and give details on the epidemic at KIA and users can also engage with the team to know how the crisis is being controlled. Continues updating will be done. Facebook: [emailprotected] Twitter: [emailprotected] and all posts will start with a hash tag (#). Example: #kiainfluenza 5.5 Radio Since radio listening is one of the most listened media outlets, KIA will leverage this tool to reach the wider public through news shows and live talk shows within 42 hours of the crisis. ‘Talk radio’ will provide KIA an opportunity to speak directly on important health messages and share the actions KIA is taking to protect passengers and the spread of the influenza epidemic in the region. (see Appendix B for list of radio stations KIA will be hosted on) 6.0 MONITORING INFORMATION FLOW It is critical to monitor the news on both the traditional media and social media to identify and rectify rumours or misleading reportage. KIA will establish a Media Information Centre (MIC) to function as a central point for all epidemic-related communications and queries from the media. The MIC will serve as the media-monitoring office to monitor all news and make immediate responses. Appendices Appendix A Ghana’s Media Ghana’s media enjoys a high degree of media freedom and thus can pose a threat to organizations during a crisis event. They are free to criticise authorities without fear with a lively press and an often phone-in programs on many radio stations. Radio is the most popular medium with over 200 stations and many of them based in the main cities. The State-run media is the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC). The key media will be listed for the purpose of the plan Source: BBC (2013) Appendix B Schedule for Talk Radio shows References BRUCE, B., 1992. Images of Power. London: Kogan Page. Ghana profile, 2013. News Africa [online] Available on: [Accessed on 6 January 2015] KLANDERMANS, B., 1988. The Formation and Mobilization of Consensus. In Nandermans, B., Kriesi Hans Peter, Tarrow Sidney (ed.), International Social Movement Research (Vol. 1, pp. 173-198). PFETSCH, B., 1999. Government news management: Strategic communication in comparative perspective. [online] Available on: [Accessed on 6 January 2015] SPARROW, A. 2001. Sept. 11: A good day to bury bad news. [online] Available on: [Accessed on 6 January 2015] UNDERWOOD, M. 2010. News Management. [online] Available on: [Accessed on 6 January 2015]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Borges and Bertolucci :: essays papers

Borges and Bertolucci There are a number of differences between Bernardo Bertolucci's movie "The Spider Stratagem" and the story on which it is based, Jorge Louis Borges' "The Theme of The Traitor and The Hero;" however, overall Bertolucci does a pretty accurate portrayal of the essence, at least, of Borges' story. Besides changing the "setting" of the plot, there is also much more information relayed in the movie. This is very much due to that the story is simply a suggestive piece, while the movie had to fill in all of the blanks. In the movie, Bertolucci had to add characters, motivations, and many vast details that are left out of the story. To begin with, Borges is very vague in his ideas on the semantics of his story. He begins filling in the details somewhat with the story taking place in Ireland†¦. But Borges himself says that this is simply, "(for narrative convenience)." (Borges 72) Borges then expands on his idea within an Irish backdrop†¦ Bertolucci keeps the story intact, and simply transplants it to Italy in the twentieth century. The names are all changed; but that is because Borges chose Irish names which would not work in the new setting. The entirety of Borges' story is written in vague possibilities of ideas. He uses "for example" a number of times throughout the story and only offers these examples to give the reader an idea†¦ not the actual plot. It is more the plot than the setting which concerns Borges†¦ and Bertolucci does exact Borges' plot with his movie. At the beginning of the story, Borges says that our narrator is writing an autobiography of his great-grandfather, the hero. However, in the movie, Bertolucci's narrator is summoned to his father (not great-grandfather)'s hometown by his father's ex-mistress. (Borges does not mention an "ex-mistress.") He has no interest in knowing about his father. It is only in concern of the health of this ex-mistress that he actually chooses to stay. (She has a propensity for fainting on cue.) It is for her that he actually undertakes the pursuit of the truth of who the traitor was that caused the death of his father, as opposed to in Borges' story where the narrator undertakes the truth for the purposes of his biography. Bertolucci had to take some artistic licenses with character motivations in order to make the movie's pace keep going.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fraternity Gang Rape Essays -- college rape on campus sexual assault

Of 24 documented cases of alleged gang rape by college students, fraternity men perpetrated 13. The problem of group sexual assault on college campuses mainly occurs in an environment where group behavior and acceptance is important to the men involved, i.e. fraternities (Bechhofer & Parrot 144). Looking at the environment surrounding this type of group one can see what causes the prevalence of this type of assault in fraternities. Why does this violence occur within these groups and how is it handled? The dynamics involved in the fraternity’s system causes a â€Å"group-think† mentality that promotes and sometimes causes group sexual assault. This group influence, along with the fraternity’s selection of men and their adherence to traditional sex role stereotypes reinforces myths of acceptable behavior in men and women and how these play a role concerning consequences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Specific dynamics come into play when discussing how groups of people who might not otherwise act individually take part in sexual assaults with other members of their group. The theory of diffusion of responsibility suggests that in situations where the presence of others acting in a similar fashion diminishes the feeling of responsibility any individual feels for the harmful consequences of his or her own behavior† (Bechhofer & Parrot ed. 147-148). With respect to fraternities, the brother feels less like his own self and more like he is just participating in something that all his â€Å"brothers† are doing as well. They share the blame. A fraternity brother begins to think of the activity as something his â€Å"brothers† are doing and joins in under the influence of a shared activity. Other things may play into the idea that the assailant is not acting alone and is not solely responsible for his actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deindividuation is a theory of group behavior that refers to a state of loss of self-awareness, including awareness of one’s beliefs, attitudes, and self-standards. This promotes group spirit. In fraternities, Alcohol is used to get group consensus by allowing an escape from one’s self-consciousness. Group loyalty will also cause people in a group to deindividualize by taking on the group’s identity (Bechhofer & Parrot 148).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In an environment such as a fraternity where incoming pledges are looking to be accepted by a group of men who have the power to reject them, they are ... ...3 Hirsch, Kathleen. Fraternities of fear—Gang rape, male bonding,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and the silencing of women. Ms.; Vol. 1; pp. 52-6; S-O   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1990. Hummer, Robert A. and Patricia Yancey Martin. â€Å"Fraternities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Rape on Campus.† Violence Against   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women the Bloody   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Footprints. Ed. Pauline B. Bart and Eileen Geil Moran.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  California: SAGE Publications, Inc., 1993. 114-129. Koss, Mary P.; Cleveland III, Hobart H. Commentary: Athletic   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  participation, fraternity membership, and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  date rape: The   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  question remains--self-selection or different causal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  processes? VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN,V.2, NO.2, JUNE, pp. 180-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  190; 1996. ISSN: 1077-8012 Sanday, Peggy Reeves. Fraternity gang rape: sex, brotherhood,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and privilege on campus. New York: New  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  York University   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, c1990. Sanday, Peggy Reeves Commentary: Rape-prone versus rape-free   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  campus cultures. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, V.2, NO.2, JUNE,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  pp. 191-208; 1996. ISSN 1077-8012 Schwartz, Martin D.; Nogrady, Carol A. Fraternity membership,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  rape   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  myths, and sexual aggression on a college campus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, V.2, NO.2, JUNE, pp. 148-162; 1996.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ISSN: 1077-8012

Shakespeare’s Richard II Essay: Search for Identity in Richard II

Search for Identity in Richard II Â   Shakespeare's Richard II tells the story of Richard's fall from power. Being dethroned by Bolingbroke forces Richard to confront the limitations and nature of his power as king. As audience members, we follow Richard on his journey of self-discovery, which enlightens him even as his life is shattered by Bolingbroke's revolt. Paradoxically, it is in utter defeat that Richard comes closest to understanding what it is to be human. Unfortunately he is unable to accept life as an ordinary subject after having tasted what it means to rule. For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground, And tell sad stories of the death of kings- How some have been deposed, some slain in war, Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed, Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping killed, All murdered. For within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his court; and there the antic sits, Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp, Allowing him a little breath, a little scene, To monarchize, be feared, and kill with looks, Infusing him with self and vain conceit, As if this flesh which walls about our life Were brass impregnable; and humored thus, Comes at the last, and with a little pin Bores through his castle wall; and farewell, king. Cover your heads, and mock not flesh and blood With solemn reverence. Through away respect, Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty, For you have but mistook me all this while. I live with bread, like you; feel want, Taste grief, need friends. Subjected thus, How can you say to me I am a king? (III.ii. 151-1173) Â   The above speech expresses nicely Rich... ...n is, With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased With being nothing. (V.v.38-41) Richard can never bring himself to be "eased" with being ordinary, with being what he sees as "nothing" and so he can never live as a subject instead of a ruler. It is perhaps significant that when he dies he seeks to return to the only identity he really knew, that of a ruler, and warns that "Exeter, thy fierce hand / Hath with the King's blood stained the King's own land" (V.v. 109-10). He has accepted intellectually the transient nature of kings' power and understands he can no longer possess even that, yet in death he reaches for the only identity he ever really held, that of absolute monarch. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of King Richard The Second. William Shakespeare: The Complete Works. Ed. Alfred Harbage. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Academic Challenges and Professional Goals

Please explain any academic and/or professional goals you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish these goals. Describe with examples of your leadership experience, in or out of school/college in which you significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts: When I started college, my goal was to pick a major and stick with it until I was finished! Well I have halfway done that. I completed my undergraduate with honors in Elementary Education sticking with it until after student teaching, graduation, and certification. However, upon completion I realized that while I love children and teaching I cannot be stuck inside a building all day. Therefore, after completing my bachelors in December of 2012 I decided it was time to enroll at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and get a graduate degree in Sports Management. My goal as an educator was to be the best motivator and encourager I could be and I feel that I can also carry these goals over into sports management. With my ultimate professional goal to become an Intercollegiate Rodeo Coach. In an effort to complete this goal I chose a college in which I had heard great things about the rodeo coach and the program; thus, choosing SWOSU. As a student at SWOSU it's my goal to do my very best in every class receiving an A if possible. My goal is to show future employers that I am dedicated and I always do my best. At SWOSU I have been helping at rough stock practice in an effort to learn both sides of the arena. I have also chosen electives that I feel will help my students mentally prepare for competition. Last year and this coming year I will serve as the Central Plains Goat Tying Director. Serving as director I have studied the rule-book thoroughly with an effort to be prepared to the paperwork side of being a collegiate coach. I have worked hard to establish myself as a fierce competitor, potential coach and professional clinician. I have done this through winning the 2012 CNFR Reserve Champion Cowgirl title through hard work and a tight balance between school and practice. As a clinician I have took control of my own success making phone calls and raising money to put on many Pro bono clinics for organizations such as Range Riders Youth organization, Cal Farley's Boys Ranch, and rodeo bible camps. At these camps and clinics I have the chance to become an established leader and role model in many of these kids lives. I make it my utmost priority to keep in touch with many of these kids through email. Many of these students send me videos to critique and ask advice on questions both inside and outside of the arena. I am also the current Fellowship of Christian Cowboys-Rodeo Bible Camp Woman's Timed Event Coordinator. This means that I work to find clinicians to volunteer at more than 25 rodeo bible camps across the country in which I must find at least twelve women for each. Doing this has allowed me to meet some great people in which I have been able to lead in educating students in rodeo and a relationship with Christ. Please describe the most significant academic or personal challenge you have faced. Discuss the steps you have taken to address this challenge and what you have learned about yourself during the process: The most personal challenge I have faced is not necessary your typical physical adversary, but rather one of the mind, character, and emotions. My most personal challenge has been to overcome pride. Pride in my school work, pride in who I thought I was, and pride in my accomplishments inside the arena. The problem with pride is that it develops a mentality of fierce competition against everyone all the time. The problem with pride is that it becomes self-consuming-a place where no one else but self exists. With my goal to be successful at everything I did, I never made time for anyone else. Rather I was driven by to-do-lists and tight schedules. I have had a hard time overcoming my pride and making time for others. As a Christian I understand that God has commanded us to love your neighbor as yourself,† but when someone is consumed with their goals that doesn't leave much time for loving others. After God humbling me time and time again I finally gave up and allowed Him to be my goal; thus, replacing my pride with Him and His will. Pride has been something that has not been easy to overcome and it's something I have to overcome daily; however, I am not only getting better I am overcoming it! Through this process I have learned that I am inherently selfish and I can quickly become consumed with my self-goals of being â€Å"successful.† I have learned that success is not being the best in the classroom, arena, or life as the world sees it. Rather success is leaving people with a loving legacy. In the words of Maya Angelou – â€Å"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analysis on “A Horse and Two Goats”

R.K. Narayans taradiddle entitled A Horse and ii Goats is a baloney of innocence and poverty. The narrator of the story illustrated how the primary(prenominal) character was pushed into terrible situations due to poverty.Narayan discussed in his story the culture of India as it portrays round of the important customs dutys that exist within the satisfying country. It is a depiction of social reflection that emerged through the issue of poverty and ethnic differences.In the inception of the story, the narrator illustrated the simple manner of the main character and its wife. The couple is complete during their jr. days together alone as they grow old, all their cornucopia slowly decreased until the time when only when 2 of their 40 goats and sheep remain. It shows how poverty in India develops as its people grows old, which is different from other(a) countries that older people are richer that younger people because they already established their lifestyle.In the last mentioned procedure of the story, humorous attack emerged and real as the authors room of resolving the conflict of the protagonist. Based on my reading of the story, I have get wordn that the soundness caused another problem for the couple. It means that it is not a permanent but impermanent resolution. It was depicted the humor of the author as he unravel the resolution of the conflict.Another occasion is that the conflict lies within the middle part of the story and not in the beginning, which is someways illogical in the field of literature. That is why confusion started to exists. However, I can see that the author imposed the conflict in the middle part of the story because he cherished to discuss the culture and tradition of India.Nevertheless, it can be seen that the author could not able to incorporate the things that he wanted to justify in the beginning of the story to the main conflict in read to make the audience hang from the beginning up to the end.ReferenceN arayan, R.K. A Horse and Two Goats. 273-290

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

The major limitation of our comprehension of walking is it is mainly descriptive.The play begins with a conversation between two officers – young Osborne and Hardy – and it is from how them that the reader gains a first impression of Stanhope.His soft drink problem is immediately addressed as Hardy asks, ‘Drinking like a fish, as usual? ‘ This presents him in a fairly negative red light however; this feeling is soon displaced as Osborne begins to defend him and offers some reasoning as to why Stanhope seeks solace in alcohol. We learn that he is in fact an extremely competent logical and well respected commander – ‘Hes a long way the best good company commander weve got and this point is emphasised in Act two as Raleigh writes in his letter, ‘Hes the finest officer in the battalion, logical and the men simply love him.Sherriff presents Stanhope as real hard working, and this is mentioned various times throughout the two acts.Those many applicants will be notified by the Division.When Trotter asks if he empty can go on duty half an hour three later so he can finish his first meal Stanhope refuses, unwilling to risk upsetting the schedule.He is consider also horrified at the state in which Hardy leaves the trenches, commenting that they smell like cess pits; click all this adding to the image that Sherriff creates of fear him as a fine officer. Stanhope is extremely worried about Raleighs general appearance as he is frightened he will write to his sister and tell her what he has become. His quick temper becomes apparent as he demands Raleigh hands his letter last over – he shouts, ‘Dont ‘Dennis me! Stanhopes my name! ‘ and even snaps at Osborne.

Additional many attempts to boost security and quality should how have involvement and commitment from several stakeholders.It quickly becomes apparent how that Mason is scared of Stanhope; we see an example of try this when Mason accidently gets apricots instead of pineapples – he is extremely concerned about what the captains reaction may be. This further enforces the new idea of Stanhope having a short temper. Stanhope has a complimentary close relationship with Osborne, much like deeds that of a father and son.Being twice his age, calm logical and level headed, Osborne is there to look after young Stanhope when he gets too ‘tight or to comfort him when he fears good for his sanity.Ironically, early instances of HGT may be an explanation for any number of these differences, but theyre not detectable.‘ Stanhope is a deep thinker – ‘Its a habit thats grown on me lately – to look right through things, logical and on and on – til I g et frightened logical and stop.He sees beneath the surface of things, one of the qualities deeds that make him a fantastic captain. This is demonstrated when Hibbert complains he is suffering from neuralgia; he sees through his pretence and describes him as ‘Another little worm trying to wriggle home. ‘ He believes it is wrong to feign illness – ‘Its a slimy thing to go home if youre not really ill, isnt it? ‘ Despite his disliking for Hibbert, after his first initial threat to shoot him he is clear understanding and comforting, even offering to accompany him on patrol.

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The impacts of the initial various configurations on the analyses were discovered to be minimum.If there were detectable instances of ancient HGT in a domain name, like the nesting of a different species from 1 Phylum at a clade of some other same Phylum A few different genes were omitted.The authors have developed an wireless internet tool.There are lots of books and websites on the whole subject of genograms.